
Start Your
15 Day Trial

Create your 15-day Full Featured Free Trial account. Once your account has been confirmed, you can add your employees, deploy documents and forms to the field, and explore all the powerful software features 1Life has to offer.



    We Know. Safety Software.

    Documents & Forms
    Assign documents and ensure workers have reviewed them. Set up forms to complete orientations, competency checks and more.
    Scheduling System
    Schedule and assign important tasks, forms or documents at the required frequency (daily, monthly, quarterly etc.)
    Total Training Management
    Create training plans, track certificates, create and assign customized online training courses.
    Resources & Templates
    Access prebuilt templates & resources such as Safe Work Practices, Safety Talks, Hazard Alerts, Posters, and more.
    Sub-Contractor Management
    Pre-qualify and monitor sub-contractor safety status and performance to ensure they don’t become a liability.
    Dedicated Client Support
    Our Client Success Team has a track record of 100% commitment to your success.