Safety Performance as a Leading Indicator of Business Excellence

Safety Performance as a Leading Indicator of Business Excellence – Pt1

Aaron Fehr1Life News, Safety Leadership, Workplace Safety and Health

When new CEO of Alcoa Steel, Paul O’Neill gave his first address to shareholders in 1987, the focus of his speech caused shareholders to panic and sell their shares. Those that stuck around were rewarded when Alcoa’s profits reached a record high within one year of his speech. So, what was O’Neill’s primary focus? Safety and specifically time lost to …

Five New Years Resolutions to Transform your Safety Performance in 2023!

Breanne MurphySafety Leadership, Workplace Safety and Health

January is the time when we reflect and make resolutions for the new year. What about resolutions for Workplace Safety and Health? Not only are people our most valuable resource, but when people feel safe, they will have a massive impact on the performance of your business. Here’s a few resolutions that can help move the needle in 2023! Have …

The Neuroscience of Safety Leadership

Xanthia CoatesSafety Leadership, Safety Training, Workplace Safety and Health

The ever-evolving field of neuroscience is providing clearer insight into how leaders everywhere can foster safe, healthy, and highly productive workplaces with a basic understanding of how their employees’ brains and nervous systems work. High levels of employee stress have been shown to: Increase workplace injuries. Heighten the risk of heart attacks. Increase mental health problems. Create more conflicts. Increase …

The Neuroscience of MSI Injuries – The Link Between Psychosocial Risk Factors and Musculoskeletal Injury

Xanthia CoatesSafety Leadership, Workplace Safety and Health

Chronic stress is a lot like a motor that is revved too high for too long, and after a period of time, it can have a cascading effect on the body. Statistics provided by the Mental Health Commission of Canada show that one in five Canadians experience a mental health problem or illness each year, with stress and trauma sited …

The Neuroscience of Safety Habits

Xanthia CoatesSafety Leadership, Safety Training, Workplace Safety and Health

One of the most challenging aspects of safety management is changing employee’s safety habits.   At best; it’s exhausting, and at worst; initiatives don’t seem to work at all! However, when we understand what a habit is and how it develops, we can use this understanding to help employees change their “bad” habits more easily.   The dictionary defines habit …

Workplace Happiness as a Leading Indicator?

Xanthia CoatesSafety Leadership, Safety Training, Workplace Safety and Health

  In safety management, leading indicators are highly valuable predictors of future losses to people, property, process and the environment. They are early warning signs of potential safety management system failures and give organizations the opportunity to identify and control deficiencies before they result in incidents. Typical examples of leading indicators include: hazard and near-miss reporting; the amount of time …

The Business Case for Workplace Happiness

Joelle McMillan1Life News, Safety Leadership, Workplace Safety and Health

Scientific studies show that productivity, creativity, and profits directly correlate to the level of well-being experienced by employees in an organization. A Health Canada study showed that a stressful work culture creates three times the risk of heart attacks, two to three times the mental health problems and two times the number of conflicts. A study by Eastern Kentucky University …

Are you Walking on Thin Ice? Try The Simpler, Easier Program!

1Life Workplace Safety SolutionsWorkplace Safety and Health

The Simpler, Easier Program™ was created for organizations just like yours to do the “heavy lifting of safety management” so you can get more boots on the ground. Keeping up with regulations, ensuring worker safety, competent training, due diligence, record keeping, working within budget constraints, competing for production time… sound familiar? With the responsibility for employee safety on your shoulders, …

It matters what leaders do: Safety Culture is shaped by the worst behaviour the leader is willing to tolerate

1Life Workplace Safety SolutionsSafety Leadership, Workplace Safety and Health

What might be changed if one were to ask the question “What is the worst safety behaviour tolerated in our organization and what action needs to be taken to change it?” As you ponder that question consider the wise words of Dr. W Demming: “Only 15% of your company’s problems can be controlled by individual employees, while 85% can only …

Force Creates Resistance

1Life Workplace Safety SolutionsWorkplace Safety and Health

Force creates resistance. Whether it’s your spouse, your kids or safety in the workplace; Newton’s Third Law applies. And since it’s NATURAL LAW; like a plant growing towards the sun, there’s no arguing with it… as much as our ego might like to. Yet we see it all the time, one forcing their views or agenda on another. Like the …